About Fitness Inc-Strength and Longevity

Shaun Wasso
Owner and Head Trainer at Fitness Inc.
Shaun’s lifelong passion for health and wellness ultimately led him to open our original studio serving our community in the western suburbs in 2001. What started with determination to build muscle at 10 years old evolved into a passion for lifting weights throughout his 20’s, running in his 30’s, and competing in triathalons in his 40’s. Having now been the owner of Fitness Inc for over 2 decades and having witnessed his own appetite for what he was training for shift over his lifetime, Shaun identified a problem.
Now in his 50’s, Shaun was no longer interested in marathons or triathalons. He wanted to play golf, he wanted to play pickleball, he wanted to chase his granddaughter around, he wanted to get up from his computer chair and not feel awful, and he wanted to do these things without getting injured for as long as possible. What Shaun discovered while evaluating his own goals, was that there didn’t exist a group program out there specifically tailored to those people who aren’t trying to survive bootcamps, and thus the Strength and Longevity Program at Fitness Inc. was born.